Patchwork Fairy
FL Craftsman Gallery
Mexican Abuelita Bird
Sky Change

Above left
Patchwork Fairy

Cast and printed paper, carved and painted wood, modeling compound, found materials. 15" X 6"

$425 plus S & H

Sky Change

A childhood memory of standing in water, wave-rocked on tip toe, tickled by fish. Acrylic paint on canvas sheeting. 56.5" X 57.5"

$3,000 plus shipping and handling.


Above right
Mexican Abuelita Bird

Carved wood, printed, painter, cast paper, modeling compound and found objects.

$475 plus S & H

Sea_change image

Sea Change

Inspiration from the Florida Garden.

Philodendron, Mother-in Law's Tongue, and

the memory of the scene in the conservatory in

the film of A.S. Byatt's Angels & Insects,

when the butterflies were released.

56.5" X 57.5"

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